
GM crops: Bring on the beneficial bugs

Chinese scientists have developed a new type of GM cotton engineered to make its own chemical protection against cotton pests ...

A brief history of stem cell research

The stories of research involving human embryonic stem cells and the policy governing that work are intertwined and stretch back ...

Can genes accurately predict human health?

One of the most controversial aspects of the genetic screening revolution is the proliferation of gene tests by such organizations ...

How do you live knowing you might have an alzheimer’s gene?

Though as much as 99 percent of all Alzheimer’s cases are not a result of a known genetic mutation, researchers ...

Scientist knocks view of genes as “blueprints” for development

The report that sequencing of a fetal genome demonstrates that we have a crude "blueprint" for adulthood has spawned the ...

DNA blueprint for fetus built using tests of parents

For the first time, researchers at the University of Washington have determined almost the complete genome of a fetus, using ...

Rainbow papayas: First GM fruit to resist virus- now on sale in Japan

A breakthrough in Japan, which has been historically precautionary about GM foods: “Rainbow” papayas–genetically modified to withstand the deadly ringspot ...

Personalized medicine: Blood tests combined with genome sequencing yield breakthrough therapy

In a remarkable new story, one professor, who sequenced his own genome, found that he was a high risk for ...

Gene find suggests hormone-free male birth control possible within 5 years

Scientists have found a gene that plays an integral part in male fertility, giving researchers hope for the future development ...

Biotech a drug discovery engine

We sometimes hear about diminishing returns in cancer research and development in the big pharmaceutical companies. They tell us, traditional ...

Radical life extension is already here, but we’re doing it wrong

Over the past twenty years, biologists have begun to set their sights on the aging process itself, in part by ...

The biology of political narcissism: Donkey brains vs. Elephant grey matter

Anti-Republican science writer Chris Mooney stirred a hornets nest of controversy with the publication of his recent book, The Republican ...

FDA approves experimental stem cell therapy to help deaf ear repair itself

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a groundbreaking trial by the University of Texas Medical School at ...

As gene mapping nears $1,000, will it improve our health?

The cost of mapping a person's full genetic profile has been dropping quickly. Now, doctors are struggling with a new ...

Risk and DNA: In search of the money gene

What makes someone want to start a business? That was what the young economist Philipp Koellinger was trying to figure ...

Genetics of homosexuality: “Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t publish”?

Critics of homosexuals portray it as a “deviant” lifestyle choice and a violation of God’s will. Some religious conservatives argue ...
woman and doctor

Will Gattaca come true?

Noninvasive, early fetal tests for sex, paternity and chromosomal conditions will change pregnancy dramatically- and raise tricky ethical questions.A scientist ...

Combating depression with green care therapies

One example of a promising but under-studied therapy is "green care" or "care farming," a type of intervention that uses ...

Your genes decide how old you get

If your grandparents were able to celebrate their 90th birthday there’s a good chance you might do the same. Our ...
Legacy book

Jews are an ancient Middle Eastern ‘tribe’, genes reveal

In his new book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People,” Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at ...

Synthetic DNA is tomorrow’s medicine

An international team of researchers has created revolutionary proteins that can copy synthetic genetic material – the so-called XNA (Xeno-Nucleic ...

Real “Beautiful Mind”- College dropout became mathematical genius after mugging

Jason Padgett, 41, sees complex mathematical formulas everywhere he looks and turns them into stunning, intricate diagrams he can draw ...