In defense of synthetic biology: Can it help create a better future for all?

Synthetic biology means different things to different people. Its leading scientists want to create, characterise and, crucially, standardise individual pieces ...

First man made, genetically modified species revealed

Professor Eduardo Moreno of the Institute of Cell Biology at the University of Berne announced the creation of the first ...

Is Elvis in your children’s DNA future? Furor develops over possible use of ‘celebrity’ genes

A British artist’s plan to create a mouse with Elvis Presley’s DNA as part of a larger project to exploit ...

Synthetic biology: New frontiers, and a DNA laser printer?

It’s been a good month for synthetic biology. A few weeks ago, in a great talk (on the concept of ...

Let’s get real on synthetic biology

EXCITING but terrifying. Powerful but scary. This is what some say about the emerging field of synthetic biology. Not surprising, ...

Does Transhumanism create new social relations?

After a near decade of following the spread of Transhumanism, I finally began a PhD project to find out some ...

Decoding synthetic biology

Biology Professor Vincent Martin describes synthetic biology as applying principles of engineering to biology — understanding how different pieces work ...

Big promises backed by bad theory: Synthetic biology

Synthetic biology is the newest purported cure-all technology for remedying our social, environmental, and public health ills. As many prominent ...

Pluristem stem cells save girl’s life

Pluristem Therapeutics Ltd. (Nasdaq:PSTI; DAX: PJT: PLTR)has announced that a seven year-old girl suffering from an aplastic bone marrow whose ...

Sourcing stem cells from breast milk

A solution to the ethical dilemma of using human embryonic stem cells to treat human diseases could be staring us ...

Toothless no more- Researchers using stem cells to grow teeth

It may be hard to remember what it was like to lose a tooth as a child, but many adults ...

What is life? Follow the bits

The debate over the definition of life is getting messier and messier, but one of the pioneers on the biochemical ...

Tiny ancient animal club gains a member: Mini-mammoth

There's a new addition to the "tiny ancient animals I'd like to have as a pet" list: a mini-mammoth that ...

Enzyme corrects more than one million faults in DNA replication

Scientists from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM) at the University of Edinburgh have ...

Test-tube’ babies have more birth defects?

Test-tube babies have higher rates of birth defects, and doctors have long wondered: Is it because of certain fertility treatments ...

Africa: Global and national resistance to GMOs

Our focus in this presentation is on modern biotechnology in crops and animal species. Traditional biotechnology is as old as ...