Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Zoanthropy: The curious case of the woman who believes she is a chicken

Daniel Boffey&nbsp|&nbsp
[A] 54-year-old woman, who had no history of drug or alcohol abuse, was found by her brother in her garden ...

Forced sterilizations in the US? It happened in California until 2013

Shilpa Jindia&nbsp|&nbsp
Filmed over seven years, Erika Cohn’s Belly of the Beast exposes state-sanctioned sterilizations in California prisons through the story of ...

COVID-19 exposes Ukraine’s booming baby-for-sale business

Oksana Grytsenko&nbsp|&nbsp
They are the children of foreign couples born to Ukrainian surrogate mothers at the Kyiv-based BioTexCom Centre for Human Reproduction, ...

Extraterrestrial neighbors? Our galaxy contains over 30 intelligent civilizations, new calculations suggest

Nicola Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
In 1961 the astronomer Frank Drake proposed what became known as the Drake equation, setting out seven factors that would ...

Plant-based bottles could help slash 300 million tons of plastic pollution

Jillian Ambrose&nbsp|&nbsp
Beer and soft drinks could soon be sipped from “all-plant” bottles under new plans to turn sustainably grown crops into ...

Exploring coronavirus patient DNA for answers: Why are some people hurt worse than others?

Ian Sample&nbsp|&nbsp
Thousands of UK patients who have fallen ill with coronavirus will have their genomes read in a major study to ...

‘Female genetic superiority’? How two X chromosomes give women an edge against coronavirus

Gaia Vince&nbsp|&nbsp
It was noticeable from the initial outbreak in Wuhan that Covid-19 was killing more men than women. By February, data ...

Searching for a biomarker to predict which coronavirus patients are at risk for severe symptoms

Melissa Davey&nbsp|&nbsp
Respiratory physician Dr. David Darley says something peculiar happens to a small group of Covid-19 patients on day seven of ...

Twins study bolsters theory that genetics play a role in coronavirus symptom severity

Nicola Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
Symptoms of Covid-19 appear to be partly down to genetic makeup, researchers at King’s College London have discovered. The finding ...

Our brains aren’t computers and why it hinders research to think of them that way

Matthew Cobb&nbsp|&nbsp
By viewing the brain as a computer that passively responds to inputs and processes data, we forget that it is ...

Structure of the brains of career criminals may shed light on ‘persistent antisocial behavior’

Nicola Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
[A]dults with a long history of offenses show striking differences in brain structure compared with those who have stuck to ...

DNA testing companies are making money off your genetic data. Should they be paying you?

Laura Spinney&nbsp|&nbsp
Companies such as 23andMe have proliferated over the past decade, feeding people’s hunger to know who and where they come ...

Post-Brexit UK may accept GMO crop imports from US, Prime Minister Boris Johnson hints

Rowena Mason&nbsp|&nbsp
Boris Johnson has hinted at allowing genetically modified food to be imported from the US after Brexit as he called ...

Activist groups Greenpeace, PETA added to UK counter-terror list

Jamie Grierson, Vikram Dodd&nbsp|&nbsp
A counter-terrorism police document distributed to medical staff and teachers as part of anti-extremism briefings included Greenpeace, Peta and other ...

Always late? Psychologist explains complex reasons behind a trait so annoying to others

Philippa Perry&nbsp|&nbsp
Punctual people may believe that late people are passive-aggressive and that their time is more valuable than those who wait for ...

Protein tangles may help predict where and how Alzheimer’s will strike the brain

Hannah Devlin, Nicola Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
Tangles of a protein found inside the brain cells of people with Alzheimer’s disease can be used to predict future ...

Suspended animation used in ‘groundbreaking’ trial to buy time for critically injured patients

Ian Sample&nbsp|&nbsp
Doctors have put humans into a state of suspended animation for the first time in a groundbreaking trial that aims ...

Coping with death: Our brains are wired to think it only happens to other people

Ian Sample&nbsp|&nbsp
Warning: this story is about death. You might want to click away now. That’s because, researchers say, our brains do ...

Brains and birth control pills: Oral contraceptives may affect learning, memory and the immune system

Sarah Hill, Zoe Corbyn&nbsp|&nbsp
Sarah E Hill, a professor of social psychology at the Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas argues we need ...

Eugenics offers a warning about the perils of scientists chasing a brighter future at the ‘cost of innocent individual lives’

Angela Saini&nbsp|&nbsp
We tend to associate eugenics with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, but it was in fact developed in London. Its ...

Brain implants may one day boost our abilities to text, drive, communicate and think

Zoe Corbyn&nbsp|&nbsp
An injection of Silicon Valley chutzpah has energised the field of brain-computer or brain-machine interfaces in recent years. Buoyed by ...

Anti-aging pill ‘5 to 12 years away’

Amy Fleming&nbsp|&nbsp
[I]magine if, instead of a pill you could take to live for ever, there was a pill that could push ...

New analysis of Dead Sea scrolls reveals minerals not typically from region

Nicola Davis&nbsp|&nbsp
The Dead Sea scrolls have given up fresh secrets, with researchers saying they have identified a previously unknown technique used ...

Believe it or not, Neanderthals were both athletic and artsy

Laura Potier&nbsp|&nbsp
They were sprinters.  Previously believed to have been endurance runners, it is now thought Neanderthals favoured “more power sprint than ...

Are we moving closer to mind reading? Facebook-funded study turns brain signals into text

Ian Sample&nbsp|&nbsp
With a radical new approach, doctors have found a way to extract a person’s speech directly from their brain.  The ...

Using CRISPR to cure the sting of the venomous box jellyfish with a ‘simple’ spray

Naaman Zhou&nbsp|&nbsp
In May, the Sydney-based scientist [Greg Neely] and his team of 22 announced they had potentially cured the sting of ...

Inaccuracies in consumer genetic tests for BRCA mutations prompt call for crackdown from UK doctors

Hannah Devlin&nbsp|&nbsp
Senior doctors have called for a crackdown on consumer genetic tests, following an influx of patients who have been wrongly ...

Why unproven alternative cancer treatments are so dangerous

David Grimes&nbsp|&nbsp
Cancer is oppressive and all-pervasive: half of us alive today will experience a direct brush with it. But despite its ...