Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Personalized medicine and precision nutrition: Biases distort how individuals respond to health risks

Richard Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
Some people fear sharks more than cars, although the probability of dying in a car is over 30,000 times higher. And ...

Viewpoint: How hazard-designation agency WHO’s IARC—International Agency for Research on Cancer—misleads regulators and the public

Richard Williams&nbsp|&nbsp
[W]ood dust, solar radiation (the sun), soot, very hot beverages, night shift work and Ginko biloba… can give you cancer ...
corn kernels hand field x

Could success of Europe’s only cultivated GMO crop help ease public fear of biotechnology?

Lieselot Bertho&nbsp|&nbsp
Within the spirit of breaking the taboo around [GMOs], we had decided to start working on a manuscript a few ...

‘Bad stuff is just easier to believe’: Why GMO disinformation captures consumer attention

Cami Ryan&nbsp|&nbsp
A couple of years ago, a former company data scientist and I tapped into our common fascination with social networks ...

Monsanto’s Robb Fraley invites Neil Young to tour company

Robb Fraley&nbsp|&nbsp
I believe that Neil Young has a heart of gold. The singer/songwriter has been one of my favorite artists ever ...

South African anti-GMO activists hide fact drought-tolerant maize would be royalty-free

Daniel Kamanga&nbsp|&nbsp
The narrative of a poor hungry Africa makes good TV (does it?). The paradox is that for many Africans, drought ...

Resolve to be good to your genes in 2014

Deepak Chopra, Rudolph Tanzi&nbsp|&nbsp
The New Year occasions all kinds of resolutions (which only 8% of people keep, according to Forbes magazine), but almost ...