Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Eating organic food associated with longer lives (in flies)

Lindsay Abrams&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an edited excerpt. In a new study at Southern Methodist University, researchers raised fruit flies on extracts of ...

Why rich Americans should drop their war on GM foods

Zachary Karabell&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an edited excerpt. Upper crust grocery stores like Whole Foods are taking a moral stand against genetically ...

The Supreme Court sees the future: 90-minute DNA matches, and less crime

Garrett Epps&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an edited excerpt. "I think this is perhaps the most important criminal procedure case that this Court ...

Human enhancement could turn soldiers into weapons that violate international law

Patrick Lin&nbsp|&nbsp
Memory-erasing drugs to ward off PTSD; co-opting the physiology of dolphins and sled-dogs to work all week without sleep few ...

2013: Year of the stem cell

Lindsay Abrams&nbsp|&nbsp
Researchers have already safely injected stem cells into patients with neurodegenerative diseases and spinal cord injuries -- and they've seen ...

Hacking the President’s DNA

The U.S. government is surreptitiously collecting the DNA of world leaders, and is reportedly protecting that of Barack Obama. Decoded, ...

Synthesizing life means faster cures, biologist says

Marty Graham&nbsp|&nbsp
A leader in the field of synthetic biology, J. Craig Venter considers himself an optimist, but he can see the ...

Radical life extension is already here, but we’re doing it wrong

Ross Andersen&nbsp|&nbsp
Over the past twenty years, biologists have begun to set their sights on the aging process itself, in part by ...

Do genes really augur your future?

David Ewing Duncan&nbsp|&nbsp
For some people, genes are key to predicting our future health. For others, genes as crystal balls are overhyped. Let's ...

Superweeds: A long-predicted problem for GM crops has arrived

Marion Nestle&nbsp|&nbsp
I was a member of the FDA Food Advisory Committee when the agency approved production of genetically modified foods in ...

The upside of Frankenfood: Can GM crops reduce global food insecurity?

Isobel Coleman&nbsp|&nbsp
Last month, when I summarized the views of Calestous Juma, professor of the practice of international development at Harvard, on ...

The perfect milk machine: How big data transformed the dairy industry

Alex Madrigal&nbsp|&nbsp
Dairy scientists are the Gregor Mendels of the genomics age, developing new methods for understanding the link between genes and ...