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“Caring staff are ready to support you,” campus leaders advised students, staff and faculty after the presidential election.

Services for International Students and Scholars

UC Immigrant Legal Services Center

Operating out of the UC Davis School of Law, the center provides free legal assistance to students and their families at UC Davis and all the other UCs except Berkeley (which has its own center).

Student Resource and Retention Centers

Walk-in support and healing spaces.

Counseling Services for Students

Available to all registered students regardless of insurance coverage.

Student Housing Resident Advisors

Resident advisors and area coordinators are available to meet with students who live in campus housing.

Counseling Services for Faculty and Staff

Academic and Staff Assistance Program

Office of the Ombuds

Confidential, independent, impartial and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis campus community: students, staff and faculty.