Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

How the news of China’s gene-edited babies blew up

He Jiankui didn’t wake up on Sunday [November 25]  expecting his world to change. … He knew international attention was ...

Tracking Zika: New genetic tool maps how viruses spread around the world

We remain utterly unprepared to deal with epidemics at a global scale...The good news is that new inventions are continually ...

Viruses ‘talk’ with each other to plan attacks on cells

[Israeli scientists have accidentally] discovered for the first time an instance of viruses leaving messages for other viruses. ... Viruses ...

Why China won’t agree to moratorium on human embryonic gene modification?

In March, a group of US scientists requested scientists around the world to not genetically modify human embryos. They argue that the ...

Lifestyle affects personal microbiome

Popular Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Trillions of microbes live in and on our body. We don’t yet fully understand how these microbial ecosystems develop or ...

Engineered extremophile brews bulk chemical

Royal Society of Chemistry&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an excerpt. US researchers have engineered a heat-loving microbe to produce a bulk chemical from carbon dioxide and ...