Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Cooked food may have given humans evolutionary edge in intelligence

Wall Street Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
The human brain is an exceptionally hungry organ—an energy-guzzling appliance if ever there was one. As you sit still and ...

People’s IQs are rising every year, but why?

Wall Street Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
IQ tests are “normed”: Your score reflects how you did compared with other people, like being graded on a curve ...

Stress caused by poverty reduces mom’s ability to nurture—and may be passed on in genes

Wall Street Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
From the inside, nothing in the world feels more powerful than our impulse to care for helpless children. But new ...

Poverty can trump a winning hand of genes

Wall Street Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
For rich kids, IQ is genetic. But for the poor, lucking out--managing to get educational opportunities--matters more than genetics ...

The definition of ‘marriage’ evolves with culture

Wall Street Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
Gay marriage exemplifies a profound part of human nature: our capacity for cultural evolution ...