Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.
neanderthal hero l

Our Neanderthal DNA might explain who gets sickest from COVID-19

News Medical&nbsp|&nbsp
[A] small fragment of the genetic code that has been inherited by modern humans from Neanderthals could carry the secret ...
5-16-2019 two coffees

Will two daily cups of coffee help you live longer? This study says so.

News Medical&nbsp|&nbsp
There have been studies saying coffee drinking increases longevity and general health and also studies to the contrary. Now, the ...
2-10-2019 metabolic brain age wpirhwy nb nr zl kg

Women have ‘younger’ brains than similarly aged men

News Medical&nbsp|&nbsp
A new study has revealed that women have a more youthful brain compared to similar aged male counterparts when it ...