Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Why monocultures might be the most sustainable option when choosing cover crops

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
It's long been believed, without much empirical evidence, that biodiversity in crop cover mixtures increases crop productivity, improves soil ecosystems ...

Scientists are skeptical of regenerative agriculture’s ‘extraordinary claims’

Washington State University&nbsp|&nbsp
What is regenerative agriculture? Why is it different from sustainable agriculture? And how do I reconcile what practitioners of this system ...

Video: Has organic farming ‘ideology’ spread through the scientific community?

[Editor's note: Andrew McGuire is an agronomist at Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources.] At the core ...

Farms are not like Eden: The case for aggressive human intervention in agriculture

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Farming is controlling nature for our own purposes. There is no utopian state. We should stop trying to restore, recover, ...

To make farming more sustainable, don’t mimic nature — do it better

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Behind many efforts to make agriculture more sustainable is the idea that our farming systems need to be more like ...

What’s the most sustainable cover crop? It’s not mixture but monoculture

Washington State University&nbsp|&nbsp
Research thus far has consistently found that cover crop polycultures are not necessarily better than cover crop monocultures. This is now ...

How do polyculture cover crops in agriculture compare to monocultures?

Biology Fortified&nbsp|&nbsp
Planting cover crop mixtures is very popular right now. The practice has a feel-good aspect about it and, buoyed by ...