Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Tiny DNA difference controls how you like or hate specific smells

People react differently to the same smells. Something that smells wonderful to you could be offensive to your friend, but ...

Gene for brown hair, blue eyes and freckles discovered

A genomic variant strongly associated with sensitivity to the sun, brown hair, blue eyes and freckles has been identified by a new ...

Dolphins live in family groups, study says

The most common and well-known of their kind, bottlenose dolphins are famous for their roles in movies, television and water parks everywhere ...

Humans and chimps use genetic variation to combat pathogens

The following is an excerpt. A new genome-wide analysis, led by the University of Chicago Medical Center, searched for evidence of long-lived ...