Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Babies’ brain waves could forewarn autism

[B]abies who have unusually high or low synchrony between certain brain waves — as measured by electroencephalography (EEG) — at ...
autism and seizures

Certain autism behaviors and seizures might have a common origins

Early behavioral signs predict seizures in autistic children, according to a new study. Previous work has shown that 5 to ...
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Environmental factors can’t be blamed for rising autism rates, study says

The relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to autism and traits of the condition have held steady over multiple ...

Early test for autism could be possible by measuring levels of the hormone vasopressin

Low levels of the hormone vasopressin in early infancy may presage an autism diagnosis in childhood, according to a new ...
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Autistic children struggle with emotional control. It’s even harder for girls, study says

Emotion control eludes more girls than boys with autism, according to a new study of young people hospitalized for psychiatric ...
Symptoms of Autism in Children

Early sleep problems for autistic children may predict repetitive behaviors later

Early sleep problems predict repetitive behaviors later in childhood. And toddlers who overreact or underreact to sensory stimuli have more ...

‘One piece of the puzzle’: Exploring differences in medical care for black and white children with autism

Black children with autism who are hospitalized for psychiatric problems are more impaired than their white peers, according to a ...
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People with autism show significant increases in IQ as they mature, but development issues remain

People with autism show significant improvements in cognitive ability from age 12 to 23 years, but their autism traits remain ...

Children showing signs of autism should be treated before diagnosis is confirmed, under new guidelines

Pediatricians should start treating children who show signs of autism even before tests confirm a diagnosis, according to the newest ...
mental health apps

Privacy concerns: Mental health apps may be selling your data to third parties, including Google, Facebook

Apps spell big business in the healthcare industry: Dozens of apps are marketed to people with conditions including depression, anxiety ...
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Why evolution does not weed out all genetic diseases

To anyone with a basic understanding of evolution, it should seem puzzling that deadly genetic diseases, passed on from one generation to ...

Turning human ‘biosolids’ into fertilizer raises health concerns

New research suggests [that using sewage as fertilizer, also known as 'biosolids'] could be a problem, as contaminants are now ...
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Junk food cravings? That burning desire for chocolate may be genetic

[A]ccording to some new research on how your genes affect the foods you seek out, it’s not your fault [if ...
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11 GMO Myths, Part II: Do GMOs pose health and ecological dangers?

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Part two, of a two-part series debunking myths about GMOs , deals with myths about GMO's purported negative impacts on ...
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11 GMO Myths, Part I: Frankenfoods and Franken-corporations

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Part one of a two-part series debunking myths about GMOs , deals with myths about the technology and the companies ...