Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

XYY men and genetic determinism

PLOS ONE&nbsp|&nbsp
PLoS Blogs (blog)XYY MenPLoS Blogs (blog)This week's New England Journal of Medicine has four articles about the new precision in ...

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing is here to stay

PLOS ONE&nbsp|&nbsp
Geneticist Ricki Lewis says direct-to-consumer genetic testing is here to stay, addresses fears and realities around this new development in ...

Why I don’t want to know my genome sequence

PLOS ONE&nbsp|&nbsp
PLoS Blogs (blog)Why I Don't Want to Know My Genome SequencePLoS Blogs (blog)The quest to know ourselves by our DNA ...