Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Is life worth living after 75? Why this medical ethicist isn’t a fan of extending the human life span

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
In October 2014, [physician and medical ethicist] Ezekiel Emanuel published an essay in the Atlantic called “Why I Hope to ...

An argument for why no one should live past 75

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
[Physician Ezekiel] Emanuel vowed to refuse not only heroic medical interventions once he turned 75, but also antibiotics and vaccinations ...

One scientist’s quest for an anti-aging drug

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
Judith Campisi has been a leading figure in the biology of aging since the early 1990s, when her research on ...

Viewpoint: CRISPR-edited tomatoes illustrate our newfound power to ‘transform our food’

LIKE ANY SELF-RESPECTING farmer, Zachary Lippman was grumbling about the weather. Stout, with close-cropped hair and beard, Lippman was standing ...

Saving the Galapagos: Gene drives could help rid invasive pests

Scientific American&nbsp|&nbsp
Eradicating invasive species can be a brutal job. On the island of Floreana, a plan to eliminate the rodents that ...

Will you win the cancer treatment lottery? It’s in the genes

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
[Q]uestions about precision oncology vex doctors, scientists, health insurance companies, and the more than 1.6 million Americans who will receive ...

Rare mutation could lead to the next blockbuster cholesterol drug

Mutations in a gene called PCSK9 give African Americans extremely low ‘bad cholesterol’ and a 90 percent reduced risk of ...