Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Why do humans mate in private? Instinct or morality?

Genes and Science, National Review, Phys.og&nbsp|&nbsp
A debate has emerged as to why humans mate in private while every other animal – except the Arabian babbler ...

Darwinian joins scientific “regressives” against genetic engineering

National Review&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an edited excerpt. Eugenics has always had a tie-in to Darwinist philosophies–as opposed to the biological theory–which ...

Genes should not be patentable

Center for Bioethics and Culture&nbsp|&nbsp
The Supreme Court will decide whether human genes can be patented. If the Supremes allow genes to be patented, that ...