About the AgroEcology Fund


The AgroEcology Fund (AEF) is a multi-donor fund supporting agroecological practices and policies. The Fund aims to support viable food systems, promote the economic well-being and human rights of small farmers and their communities, and mitigate climate change through low input agriculture featuring sustainable soil and water use. It links organizations and movements that advance agroecological solutions locally, regionally and globally.

With the guidance of international advisors deeply embedded in the agroecology movement, the Fund supports some of the most effective farmer organizations, advocates and researchers in the field of agroecology.

AEF began its work in 2012 and is currently supported by a diverse group of U.S., Asian and European funders with all committed to international grantmaking to advance agroecology. While each organization maintains its independent programs, they are united by their interest in amplifying agroecological practices and policies throughout the world.

In just seven years, AEF has awarded $6.1 million to 49 collaboratives that include a total of 293 organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the USA. Funds are administered by the New Venture Fund.