There is ongoing transmission of novel coronavirus within the United States and in destinations throughout the world.

You may have been exposed to COVID-19 on your travels (domestic and/or international). You may feel well and not have any symptoms, but you can be contagious without symptoms and spread the virus to others. You and your travel companions (including children) pose a risk to your family, friends, and community for 14 days after you were exposed to the virus. Regardless of where you traveled or what you did during your trip, take these actions to protect others from getting sick:

  • When around others, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household. It is important to do this everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wear a mask to keep your nose and mouth covered when you are outside of your home.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
  • Watch your health: Look for symptoms of COVID-19, and take your temperature if you feel sick.

Follow state, territorial, tribal and local recommendations or requirements after travel.

Higher Risk Activities

Some types of travel and activities can put you at higher risk for exposure to COVID-19 (see list below).  If you participated in higher risk activities or think that you may have been exposed before or during your trip, take extra precautions (in addition the ones listed above) to protect others for 14 days after you arrive:

  1. Stay home as much as possible.
  2. Avoid being around people at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  3. Consider getting tested for COVID-19.

What activities are considered higher risk?

Here are examples of activities and situations that can increase your risk of exposure to COVID-19:

  • Being in an area that is experiencing high levels of COVID-19 spread. You can check the levels for places you traveled, including countries, U.S. states and territories, counties, and cities.
  • Going to a large social gathering like a wedding, funeral, or party.
  • Attending a mass gathering like a sporting event, concert, or parade.
  • Being in crowds – for example, in restaurants, bars, airports, bus and train stations, or movie theaters.
  • Traveling on a cruise ship or river boat.

If you know that you were exposed to someone with COVID-19, postpone further travel. Even without symptoms, you can spread COVID-19 to other people on your journey.

What to Do if You Get Sick After Travel

If you get sick with fever, cough, or other symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Stay home and take other precautions. Avoid contact with others until it’s safe for you to end home isolation.
  • Don’t travel when you are sick.
  • You might have COVID-19. If you do, know that most people are able to recover at home without medical care.
  • Stay in touch with your doctor. Call before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room and let them know you might have COVID-19. If you have a medical appointment that cannot be postponed, call first and tell the doctor’s office you have or may have COVID-19. This will help them protect themselves and other patients from COVID-19.
  • If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), get emergency medical care immediately.
  • If you live in close quarters with others, take additional precautions to protect them.

If you have a medical appointment that cannot be postponed, call your doctor’s office and tell them you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the office protect themselves and other patients.