
As a leading EU policy media company EURACTIV is well qualified to provide moderators, speakers of faculty for EU conferences, events or workshops. We regularly receive invitations to moderate conferences and events or to speak on radio and TV. Such invitations are welcome, subject to a few days notice and availability of suitable persons. In general, EURACTIV is unable to provide journalists to write for other organisations as our editorial resources are fully stretched in providing daily coverage for

In recent years, EURACTIV has provided people to speak or moderate at many EU events. Notably, as a knowledge partner, we have provided moderators for sessions at the annual European Business Summit, EBS, attended by over 2,000 professionals. EURACTIV also organises up to 40 events a year which include representatives from the EU institutions and other EU stakeholders. These events are normally chaired and moderated by two different of our team members.

You may also want to check out this comprehensive 24-point Checklist to Conference Moderation that EURACTIV’s founder Christophe Leclercq has put together.

Fondation EURACTIV provides extensive training for both its team members and young journalists from third party organisations. Clients and potential clients can be assured that any speaker or moderator nominated by EURACTIV is well-trained in the art communicating.



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