On Poynt

On Poynt

Sign up for free, real-time chats with Poynter experts.

The coronavirus pandemic is stretching journalists and newsrooms in unprecedented fashion. To help, News University will make Poynter experts available for live, 30-minute Q&A video sessions covering the topics you need help with now. Sessions offer journalists tools to be more effective during a crisis.

Bring Empathy to Your Reporting to Cultivate Sources

Getting Practical About Conflict

Make Diversity a Priority During the Pandemic

Job-Hunting During a Pandemic

Harness Crisis Analytics to Keep Growing Your Audience

COVID-19 Data Sources to Make Fact-Checking Easy

Leadership and Communication in the Coronavirus Era

Newsroom Ethics in the Coronavirus Era

Poynter and News University are offering On Poynt sessions tuition-free to serve journalists in a time of need. Support comes from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and other donors. If you’re able, please consider making a small donation toward this work by visiting poynter.org/support.

Poynter experts are also available to train virtually in your newsroom, classroom or workplace. Simply fill out a short form to get the conversation started.