Q&A with Haven Baker on Simplot’s Innate™ Potatoes

There's a new genetically engineered potato in town that doesn't brown when cut or fried, nor does it make acrylamide. J. R. Simplot Company petitioned the USDA to deregulate their Innate™ potatoes, and the public comment period has just been…

The EFSA is doing traceback of E. coli contaminated fenugreek seeds imported into the EU. Preston and Tribe do traceback with plagiarised junk science.

The European food safety authority is currently tracing the sources and distribution of allegedly deadly E. coli contaminated fenugreek seeds originating in Egypt which have been implicated in several different outbreaks of severe pathogenic E. coli infections occurring these last weeks in…

Worried about deliberate introduction of the German E. coli germ? Please read this.

(Updated 21-06-2011] Enough information is now emerging from the frantic work of the DNA sequencing teams and the crowdsourced intense detective work by bioinformatics experts (all mentioned in several previous posts at this site) to assemble a broad picture of how…

Genetic family trees show the German outbreak of E coli is a member of small family of germs called EAEC — that includes an African germ — and is distinct from EHECs

The latest news is that the German outbreak strain of Escherichia coli is a member of small family of germs called EAEC that includes an African member (Ec55989 ). This family is clearly distinct from classical EHEC (=STEC)  bacteria such…

Natural GMOs Part 86: The parents of the German E. coli germ engaged in horizontal gene transfer

STEC/EHEC outbreak – horizontally transferred genes « bacpathgenomics: "STEC/EHEC outbreak – horizontally transferred genes"Kat Holt has produced a fantastic visual presentation of the family tree of the German disease causing E. coli EHEC/EAEC/STEC germ.The Pundit won't spoil her story with…

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