
Babies’ brain waves could forewarn autism

[B]abies who have unusually high or low synchrony between certain brain waves — as measured by electroencephalography (EEG) — at ...

Brain activation: How to help the blind see

[I]n a recent study at Baylor College of Medicine, researchers made the blind see. A team led by neurosurgeon Daniel Yoshor “drew” letters ...

Headspace for work app: Mindfulness science or scam?

Demand for the mindfulness and meditation app has skyrocketed since the Covid-19 pandemic and its ripple effects began taking a ...
covid suicide

COVID and suicide: More than one quarter of young adults contemplated taking their life in the last two months

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new data drawn from a survey done June 24 through 30. The data ...
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Do you have a quick mind? It could be because your cerebellum is so large

Sometimes referred to by its Latin translation as the "little brain", the cerebellum is located close to the brainstem and ...

Eagles’ DeSean Jackson’s bizarre anti-Semitic comments and impulsiveness might be due to a history of frequent concussions

In early July, [DeSean] Jackson landed himself in hot water by sharing a bad quote on Instagram, details Newsweek. In all fairness, it ...

Gum health linked to mental health problems

Periodontal disease is associated with a wide range of health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and dementia, making the ...
heavy drinkers more at risk for dementia according to new study

Why are Alzheimer’s and dementia rates falling in Europe and the U.S.?

The risk for a person to develop dementia over a lifetime is now 13 percent lower than it was in ...

Brain zapping: Could brain massage therapy reduce pain?

Dr. Hyochol “Brian” Ahn, professor at UTHealth’s Cizik School of Nursing, suggested that pain could be zapped away using electric ...
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12 lifestyle changes to cut risk from dementia

[A major] review identified the biggest known risk factors for dementia as smoking, excess alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, head injury, depression, hearing loss and exposure to air ...
usa election kanye west

Why it’s important to have a public discussion about Kanye West’s erratic behavior

In 2018, [Kanye] West revealed he has a mental illness. Some mental health advocates are now pushing for the media ...

Zoanthropy: The curious case of the woman who believes she is a chicken

[A] 54-year-old woman, who had no history of drug or alcohol abuse, was found by her brother in her garden ...
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Are we any closer to understanding what consciousness is?

Thinkers have spent an immense amount of time and ink trying to unravel mysteries, such as how consciousness works and ...
a promising blood test may diagnose alzheimers disease

Alzheimer’s disease may soon be detectable with a simple blood test

[A blood test might] be a simple way to help diagnose [Alzheimer’s, the] most common form of dementia. Developing such a ...
brain featured

Yes, male and female brains are structured differently

[July 20, Armin Raznahan] and his team published a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that not only reported reliable sex ...
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Common vaccines appear to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

[Two studies] have demonstrated that flu and pneumococcal vaccines are linked with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In both ...
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Why do we dream?

Here's [David] Eagleman​​ and [Don] Vaughn​'s theory in nutshell: The role of dreams is to ensure that the brain's visual ...

Sense of self: How the brain distinguishes ‘us’ from the world

We are highly sensitive to people around us. As infants, we observe our parents and teachers, and from them we ...
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How do antidepressants work? We still don’t know

[A]bout a third of Americans are showing signs of depression or anxiety, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s about ...
How the Hobbit films illustrate the way human brains evolved

How the Hobbit films illustrate the way human brains evolved

For Northwestern University neuroscientist and engineer Malcolm MacIver, [a scene from the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey where Gandalf and Bilbo ...
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Omega 3s in high doses shown effective in slowing Alzheimer’s in small study

[T]o date the majority of studies evaluating omega-3s for averting or curtailing cognitive decline in human participants have failed to ...
elon musk brain chip neuralink

Stream music directly to your brain? Elon Musk’s new Neuralink gadget

[Elon] Musk confirmed that Neuralink’s technology would allow people to “listen to music directly from our chips.” He also said ...
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Why IQ tests still matter

[A]re IQ tests valid, unbiased measures of general intelligence? They certainly didn’t start out that way, says Stefan C. Dombrowski, ...
epilepsy and ketogenic diet koreys story x

Can cutting out carbs treat epilepsy? The ketogenic diet as a drug

The ketogenic diet has actually been used in the treatment of epilepsy since the 1920s. It had been known that ...
obesity may shrink your brain

Genetics might explain why obese and depressed people have less grey matter in the brain

Obesity is one of the major public health problems in western countries, with an estimated prevalence of up to 38%. Although ...
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Do males and females have different brain structures? Monkey study suggests ‘yes’

Using a noninvasive imaging technique, researchers found that male capuchin monkeys showed expansion in the gray matter of a brain ...
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Air pollution dramatically harms childhood brain development

Between 1981 and 1989, 26 outbreaks of asthma were reported in [Barcelona] with many cases centred around the harbour. Local ...
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What brain wiring has to do with cognitive differences in humans and other animals

A persistent question about [brain] connectomes has to do with what, if anything, distinctive wiring patterns have to do with ...