Resources, Partnerships – Impact 2020

The Resources, Partnerships – Impact 2020 shows how FAO worked in collaboration with multiple stakeholders in 2019, maximising partnerships for greater results on the ground. Through a closer look at the challenges and strategies that guided our activities at the regional and global levels over the past year, the report highlights FAO’s efforts to create and elevate success stories for the most vulnerable populations around the world.

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SDG Indicator 2.1.1. - Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) 2020

Our interactive map lets you see and compare the levels of hunger globally and by country over time. The map has been created using the Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) and Number of Undernourished (NoU) indicators.

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SDG Indicator 2.1.2. - Moderate or sever food insecurity 2020

Our interactive map lets you see and compare the levels of hunger globally and by country over time. The map looks at moderate and severe food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) measurements.

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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020

Sustainability in action

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture provides a comprehensive global overview of the sector, from fisheries and aquaculture products and their use around the world, to the livelihoods the sector supports and the consequences for the environment. With a special focus on sustainability, SOFIA's 2020 edition is a source of objective, reliable and up-to-date information for policymakers, managers, scientists, stakeholders - and indeed everyone interested in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

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The State of the World's Forests 2020

Forest, Biodiversity and People

Forests are home to most of the earth's terrestrial biodiversity, yet deforestation and forest degradation continue at alarming rates. This report gives a comprehensive overview of the state of the world's forests today, including the livelihoods they offer to rural communities and the species contributing to our forests' incredible biodiversity. This interactive story also explores the future of forests and the ways in which we can ensure their sustainability, protecting them for future generations.

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Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020

A fresh perspective

Did you know that forests cover nearly 1/3 of land globally? The Forest Resources Assessment 2020 examines the status of, and trends in, these forest resources across 236 countries and territories from 1990–2020. The information provided is a broad overview of the world’s forests and the ways in which the resource is changing. Such a clear global picture supports the development of sound policies, practices and investments affecting forests and forestry.

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Hidden in plain sight 2019

Trees, forests and land use in drylands: the first global assessment

Drylands cover 41 percent of the Earth’s land surface. This report – the first of its kind - demonstrates that drylands are productive landscapes with considerable economic potential and environmental value. Trees and forests in drylands also provide habitats for biodiversity, and help increase the resilience of landscapes and communities in the face of global change. The report was carried out through interpretation of satellite images by more than 200 experts.

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Resources, Partnerships, Impact 2019

The second edition of FAO´s annual report on partnerships, results and achievements seeks to communicate, in a transparent and accountable way, who FAO is, what we do, and how we work with our partners and diverse United Nations agencies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To reach the ambitious targets set in the 2030 Agenda and lead global efforts to defeat hunger (SDG 2), continued investments and collective action will be absolutely critical. FAO, together with its partners, is tackling pressing and complex challenges every day – challenges calling for urgent actions that leverage FAO’s unique experience, knowledge and technical expertise.

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The State of Food and Agriculture 2019

Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction

This report provides new estimates of the percentage of the world’s food lost from production up to the retail level. The report also finds a vast diversity in existing estimates of losses, even for the same commodities and for the same stages in the supply chain. Clearly identifying and understanding critical loss points in specific supply chains – where considerable potential exists for reducing food losses – is crucial to deciding on appropriate measures. The report provides some guiding principles for interventions based on the objectives being pursued through food loss and waste reductions, be they in improved economic efficiency, food security and nutrition, or environmental sustainability.

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Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators 2019

In the first digital SDG progress report of its kind, FAO presents key data and trends for 18 of the 21 indicators under its custodianship. The evidence available to date for these targets, however, paints a grim picture. The world is not on track to meeting the overwhelming majority of SDG targets related to sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition. This report is meant to help countries get back on track in their efforts and to highlight the importance of data and reporting in achieving these objectives.

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The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019

This year’s report presents evidence that the absolute number of people who suffer from hunger continues to slowly increase. The report also highlights that food insecurity is more than just hunger. For the first time, the report provides evidence that many people in the world, even if not hungry, experience moderate food insecurity as they face uncertainties about their ability to obtain food and are forced to compromise on the quality and/or quantity of the food they consume. This phenomenon is observed globally, not only in low- and middle-income countries but also in high-income countries.

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The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture 2019

Biodiversity is essential to food and agriculture; yet, it is declining worldwide. The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture worldwide. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels, present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems.

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The State of Food and Agriculture 2018

Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development

The State of Food and Agriculture 2018 looks at how internal and international migratory flows link to economic development, demographic change, and natural-resource pressure. The report provides a thorough analysis of the factors in rural areas which contribute to migration decisions and recommends tailored policy and investment responses to make migration work for all.

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The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018

Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018 presents progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition. New evidence in SOFI 2018 confirms a rise in world hunger: the number of people who suffer from hunger has been growing over the past three years, returning to levels from almost a decade ago. The report says that climate variability and extremes are key drivers behind this rise, together with conflict and economic downturns, and are threatening to erode and reverse gains made in ending hunger and malnutrition.

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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018

Meeting the sustainable development goals

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 presents FAO’s official world fishery and aquaculture statistics. The 2018 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture emphasizes the sector’s role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and measurement of progress towards these goals. It notes the particular contributions of inland and small-scale fisheries, and highlights the importance of rights-based governance for equitable and inclusive development.

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The State of the World's Forests 2018

Forest Pathways to Sustainable Development

The State of the World’s Forests 2018 identifies actions that can be taken to increase the contributions of forests and trees that are necessary to accelerate progress towards the SDGs. It is now critical that steps be taken to work more effectively with the private sector, and the informal forest sector must be transformed in order to bring broader economic, social and environmental benefits. For the first time, The State of the World’s Forests 2018 provides an assessment of the contribution of forests and trees to our landscapes and livelihoods.

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2017 Result Partnership - Impact 2018

This report captures selected results achieved by FAO worldwide in 2017. It reflects key impacts obtained thanks to a collaboration with a wide range of partners including Member Nations, other resource partners, civil society, the private sector, academia, research centers and cooperatives.

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The State of Food and Agriculture 2017

Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation

This report presents strategies that can leverage the potential of food systems to become the engine of inclusive economic development and rural prosperity in low-income countries. It analyses the structural and rural transformations now under way, and examines the opportunities and challenges they present to millions of small-scale food producers. It shows how an “agroterritorial” planning approach, focused on connecting cities and towns and their surrounding rural areas, combined with agro-industrial and infrastructure development can generate income opportunities throughout the food sector and underpin sustainable and inclusive rural transformation.

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The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

Building resilience for peace and food security

This year’s The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World warns that the long-term declining trend in undernourishment seems to have come to a halt and may have reversed, largely on account of the above-mentioned factors. Meanwhile, though progress continues to be made in reducing child malnutrition, rising overweight and obesity are a concern in most parts of the world.

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