Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Can a novel ‘genetic’ pesticide knock out citrus greening disease before it devastates US orange groves?

Amanda Morris&nbsp|&nbsp
[Citrus greening] disease has already decimated citrus groves in the other major citrus-producing states of Florida, California and Texas. According ...

Anti-GMO sentiments lean to ‘obsessive’ in Arizona

Richard Ruelas&nbsp|&nbsp
His story is typical of those who preach the dangers of eating genetically modified organisms: Four years ago, Jared Keen ...

Thanksgiving: Millions will celebrate with a turkey that could never exist in nature

Karen Fernau&nbsp|&nbsp
They will carve a bird with an oversize breast and legs too puny for walking. After more than a half-century ...