Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Virus-resistant tilapia could help safeguard critical food source, preserve $10 billion fishing industry

Resistance to a deadly disease that is affecting the second most farmed fish in the world has been found to ...
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Mapped British honey bee genome could help safeguard hives against infectious disease

Efforts to protect the UK's native honey bees could be helped by research that maps their entire genetic make-up. Experts ...

Bronchitis in chickens can cut egg production 70%. New vaccine may stem outbreaks

Infectious bronchitis virus is highly contagious and responsible for major economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide. Infected chickens experience ...

Reprogrammed cells create whole, fully functioning organ

Laboratory-grown replacement organs have moved a step closer with the completion of a new study. Scientists have grown a fully ...

Babies’ DNA “tweets” signal indicating bacterial infection

Babies suffering from bacterial infections like sepsis could benefit from better treatment, thanks to a ground-breaking study. For the first ...

Brain gene separates humans from apes

An international team of researchers have discovered a new gene that helps explain how humans evolved from apes. Scientists say ...