Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

South Australia lifts GMO crop moratorium, but Green Party vows to reinstate ban in 2020

Stock Journal&nbsp|&nbsp
The state government announced [Dec. 19] it would publish regulations in the last Government Gazette of the year, lifting the ...

Challenging the idea that the world’s farmers have been bought by ‘Big Ag’

Farm Weekly&nbsp|&nbsp
Accusations that if you say anything good about biotechnology, then you must be getting paid by the multi-nationals, frustrates Canadian ...

GM canola becoming popular in Australia as farmers see yields increasing

Canola was once considered only useful as a break crop to clean-up weeds in paddocks, according to agronomist Greg Sefton, Cobram, ...