Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Biofabrication: Using living organisms to make every day products, from shoes to silk

Biofabrication [is] the science of using living organisms to build with biology and make everyday products. For the first time, ...

Health care, energy, food could be transformed by synthetic biology

McKinsey & Company&nbsp|&nbsp
[Editor's note: Excerpts are taken from an interview with three experts in the field of synthetic biology: David Berry, general partner ...

GMO ‘steak chips’: Replacing slaughterhouses with genetically engineered meat

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
MIT Technology Review checks in with Modern Meadow CEO and cofounder Andras Forgacs. Modern Meadow aims to create leather and ...