Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Analysis finds Neanderthal genome ‘less fit’ than humans, likely contributed to their demise

Quanta Magazine&nbsp|&nbsp
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Interbreeding with Neanderthals was ...

Are Y chromosomes, and men, really on road to extinction?

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Jennifer Marshall Graves, an ...

How do new genes arise within genome?

Quanta Magazine&nbsp|&nbsp
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis.  Genes, like people, have ...

Synthetic components added to DNA expand genetic alphabet

DNA stores our genetic code in an elegant double helix. But some argue that this elegance is overrated. “DNA as a ...

Individuality might be a measureable genetic trait

Quanta Magazine&nbsp|&nbsp
Benjamin de Bivort's lab at Harvard University is Groundhog Day for fruit flies. In de Bivort’s version, a fly must choose to ...

Re-enacting history of evolution in the laboratory

In his fourth-floor lab at Harvard University, Michael Desai has created hundreds of identical worlds in order to watch evolution ...

How a small stretch of DNA can keep species separate — even when they interbreed

Sometimes, two distinct species interbreed, even though they're technically not supposed to. But what stops these rare cases of hybridization ...

What is a ‘species,’ exactly?

Most people do not get to use the tree-climbing skills they perfected as children once they’re adults. But for Jochen Wolf, ...

Does competition drive diversity of species?

In Darwinian evolution, organisms compete for resources, and the winners get to pass their genome to future generations. According to ...

Under pressure, even evolution evolves

Although Darwin’s ideas have clearly triumphed in modern biology, hints of a more Lamarckian style of inheritance have continued to ...

Repeated patterns in DNA may be missing piece of the story of human evolution

Science is just starting to unlock what we can learn from duplicated regions of DNA in the genes of humans ...

Genetically modified microbes can mass-produce malaria drug

MIT Technology Review&nbsp|&nbsp
The following is an excerpt. For the first time, researchers have successfully engineered a strain of baker’s yeast capable of ...

Stem cell study identifies early issues in Rett syndrome

Neural stem cells from people with Rett syndrome show early signs of dysfunction, according to unpublished research presented at the ...