Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

‘Spreading depression’: The silencing of electrical activity in dying brains

Live Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Harvard biologist Aristides Leão described finding a sudden silencing of electrical activity in the exposed brains of his unconscious experimental animals after ...

How your brain steps on the brake after starting a task

Live Science&nbsp|&nbsp
To stop an activity, your brain must engage in very precise timing that involves the careful coordination of three distinct ...

Redheads easily sunburned because of the mutation that gives them red hair

[M]ost everyone — regardless of hair color — burns. Even people who never burn build up mutations in their skin ...

Creating humans from stem cells: Are we there yet?

Business Insider&nbsp|&nbsp
[S]oon, stem cells swabbed from human beings' cheeks or skin could be cultured to create germ cells (sperm and eggs), ...

Genes for Antisocial Personality Disorder may lie at heart of crime

Business Insider&nbsp|&nbsp
[T]here's no easy answer to the question of why some people end up in jails and prisons while others do not ...

Scientists create bacteria that excrete propane

Popular Science&nbsp|&nbsp
Propane, the gas that fuels your barbecue (and perhaps one day your car), may soon have a new, renewable source ...