Strategic Research Initiatives and Networks build on areas of existing research strength by bringing together a critical mass of expertise from across the Schools, with four key aims: to address large-scale multi-disciplinary research challenges; to strengthen research collaborations and knowledge transfer across disciplines; to increase research capacity and profile by providing a platform for large-scale funding applications, recruitments and international research partnerships; and to enhance our ability to influence national and international research, policy and funding agendas.

They are initiated and developed within the academic community and brought for approval to the University’s Research Policy Committee. Award of Strategic Research Initiative or Network status is for a renewable period of three years, subject to annual review by the Committee, and usually includes funds to support a coordinator role and some associated activities. After six years, our first Strategic Research Initiatives have successfully graduated into a new status as Interdisciplinary Research Centres.

Strategic Research Initiatives

Strategic Research Initiatives aim to create a shared cross-School vision and development plan for building research capacity and partnerships over the medium to long term. Our current portfolio of Strategic Research Initiatives includes:

Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences

Connecting world-leading academic and industry expertise to drive therapeutic development and support the education and training of the next generation of world-leading researchers.

Global Challenges

Enhancing the contribution of University of Cambridge research towards addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through cross-disciplinary research and innovation programmes, founded on a properly localised understanding of the needs and contexts where impact is sought.

Public Policy

Connecting research across the University to illuminate and improve public policymaking through a cross-cutting programme of research on the policy process and support for policy development in key thematic areas.


Facilitating cross-disciplinary research to offer fresh perspectives on a broad range of issues relating to reproduction from global policies to those which affect individuals, families and population.

Trust & Technology

Setting the strategic agenda on issues of trust and technology; driving the creation of new technologies and applications; and assessing and influencing the societal, economic and policy implications and directions.

Strategic Research Networks

Strategic Research Networks aim to link and promote activities amongst a cross-School academic community. Our current portfolio of Strategic Research Networks includes:

Digital Humanities

Engaging researchers across the University in developing shared priorities for research themes in digital humanities, and in extending the IT infrastructure and training for digital humanities research and research tools.


Bringing together the community of immunologists working in and around Cambridge, whose work ranges from discovery of the basic molecular mechanisms underpinning the immune response through to applications relevant to the clinic, to industry and to global health.


Developing an interdisciplinary research community working on scientific, health and social aspects of metabolic diseases, and promoting collaboration to increase impact, efficiency and access to resources.

Public Health

Working together across the University and its regional health partners to create a sustainable infrastructure and interdisciplinary skills base for research that will improve population health and wellbeing at the international, national and local levels.


Strengthening the University community in sensor-related research across engineering, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, materials and biotechnology, and bringing together the talent and infrastructure necessary to catalyse sensor innovation and application.

Enquiries about the Strategic Research Initiatives and Networks scheme may be addressed to Dr Rosalyn Gregory, Research Strategy Office.