Articles written for the GLP list the source as Genes and Science. All other articles were written for the sources noted with excerpts provided by the GLP.

Viewpoint: Animal agriculture is growing more sustainable, so don’t blame it for climate change

San Francisco Chronicle&nbsp|&nbsp
Simply put, U.S. cattle aren’t the major driver of climate change. So Americans can feel good about whatever kind of ...

Video: Burger King’s lemon-grass fed eco-Whopper not backed by evidence, animal scientist says

On [July 14], Burger King launched promotions for its new “eco-friendly” Whopper, burgers made from cattle that have been fed ...

Viewpoint: We should stop blaming cows for climate change

Genes and Science&nbsp|&nbsp
The claim that meat production generates more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation sector is demonstrably false, says Frank Mitloehner ...